Bhakshak is a newly launched Bollywood Movie that was released on 9 February 2024. The movie was written by Jyotsana Nath and Pulkit, and directed by Pulkit. The producers of the Bhakshak movie are Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma and the production company of the movie is Red Chillies Entertainment. Kumar Sourabh does the cinematography of the movie and the movie is edited by Zubin Sheikh. The background music of the movie is done by Clinton Cerejo and Bianca Gomes and the official runtime of the movie is 2 hours and 15 minutes.
The distributor of the Bhakshak movie is Netflix as the movie was directly released on the OTT platform Netflix without any theatrical release. The main characters from the Bhakshak movie are Bhumi Pednekar as Vaishali Singh, Sanjay Mishra as Baskar Sinha, Aditya Srivastava as Bansi Sahu, Sai Tamhankar as SSP Jasmeet Kaur, and Surya Sharma as Arvind Singh.
There is a total of three songs from the Bhakshak movie. The first song from the movie is “Ganga” sung by Megha Sriram Dalton and Anurag Saikia with a length of 3 minutes and 35 seconds. The second song from the movie is “Shamil Hai” sung by Romy and Anurag Saikia with a length of 7 minutes and 17 seconds. The last and third song from the movie is “Chanda” with lyrics by Anuj Garg and sung by Yajat Garg. The length of the last and third song from the movie is 6 minutes and 24 seconds. The total length of these three songs combined from the movie is 17 minutes and 16 seconds.
Cast list of Bhakshak
- Bhumi Pednekar as Vaishali Singh
- Sanjay Mishra as Baskar Sinha
- Aditya Srivastava as Bansi Sahu
- Sai Tamhankar as SSP Jasmeet Kaur
- Surya Sharma as Arvind Singh
- Durgesh Kumar as Guptaji
- Chittaranjan Tripathy as Mithilesh Sinha
- Tanisha Mehta as Sudha Kumari, Vaishali’s friend
- Satyakam Anand as Sonu
- Vibha Chibbar as Rajni Singh
- Pravin Kumar Sisodia as Brijmohan Singh
- Murari Kumar as Baccha Babu
- Samta Sudiksha as Gudiya
- Gulista Alija as Baby Rani
- Shakti Sinha as Pappu Thekedar
- Danish Iqbal as Suresh Singh
- Pubali Sanyal as Mamta Singh
- Farheen Khan as Seema Singh
- Aditya Uppal as IG Sagar Pratap
- Anurag as Prabhat Kumar
- Brijbhushan Shukla as Party Worker
- Prabhat Lehri as Inspector Daroga
- Shammi Jaffery as Shobha Sahu
- Anand Sharma as CM Jitesh Kumar
- Anuj Mishra as Ssp Assistant
- Ekram Khan as Prakash Sinha
- Umesh Kumar Shukla as Radheshyam
- Mahesh Chandra Deva as Seva grih doctor
- Amit Sinha as Umesh Kumar
- Ronak Pandey as Bhaskar’s Son
- Punita Awasthi as Bhaskar’s Wife
- Ankit Singh as Nafisa
- Shiv Mohan as Novelty security guard
- Dinesh Trivedi as Paan shop owner
- Sunil Kanal as Dom Maharaj
- Ajay Singh as Rajni Singh’s Assistant
- Preeti Shukla as Samaj Kalyan Ministry
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The Bhakshak movie got positive reviews from audiences and critics. Over 2.9k people rated this movie 7.3 stars out of 10 stars on IMDb, which are good reviews from audiences. Anvita Singh from India Today rated this movie 3 stars out of 5 stars and said “Chief complaint about Bhakshak remains with its run-time; the film could have been shorter. It dragged slightly in the middle. Nevertheless, a definite one-time watch. That piece-to-camera at the end was special.“
Renuka Vyavahare from The Times of India rated this movie 2.5 stars out of 5 stars and said “Bhakshak’s fight for justice feels long-winded and simplistic. You feel for the plight of the girls trapped but the film does little to embolden that fire in your belly.“
How to Watch The Bhakshak Movie
The Bhakshak movie was directly released on the OTT platform Netflix, if you want to watch the movie now then you must have to purchase a premium subscription to Netflix and after that, you can watch and download the Bhakshak movie from the official distributor of the movie. Also, you can watch and download all the movies available on the whole Netflix platform.